Talking Trash With Lani Cooper.

Talking Trash With Lani Cooper.

Awareness is key and once you start noticing how much single-use plastic you use, you will quickly realize that we don't need it.


Plastic: What’s The Big Deal You Ask?

All-in-all, it’s a pretty nifty invention - from hip replacements, helmets, computers, homes, cameras and even your car. Let’s face it, it’s not going anywhere! But herein lies the problem, the single-use plastic we buy everyday isn’t going anywhere either - unless we #choosetoreuse. 

In this week’s episode of Wellness Wednesday, Ryan Hodge sat down with MOBOT CEO & Founder, Lani Cooper to debut Talking Trash, where each week we will be discussing the hard environmental truths facing the planet and how we all can lend a hand to help save it.

Lani, our climate-change-fighting CEO, explained that an alarming 90.5% of plastic is not getting recycled, yet everyday people are consuming more and more plastic that is heading straight to landfills. Although, Lani claims not all is lost and there are lots of ways to help combat climate change together from slight everyday lifestyle changes. 

“That plastic water bottle you picked up at the store, might last you 10 minutes, but will be around for 400+ years! Not to mention the astonishing 8 million pieces of plastic that enter our waterways every year,” said Lani.

"To make matters worse, then there’s the 51 Trillion (yes trillion!) microscopic pieces of plastic in the sea, that we now have to eat. Digest that! These plastics we drink from and absorb through the air have recently been linked to endocrine (hormone) disruption and some cancers."  

So what can we do? Lani said the tipping point that helped equip her with the skills to empower the planet was when she was challenged to a 30-day zero plastic and waste-free lifestyle. She said the experience was an eye-opener, and if you can take the time to commit to and plan for 30 days, the challenge will provide you with a wealth of knowledge and power. 

“We need to stop plastic pollution before it gets worse. We need to get louder and prouder around the conversation saying a big no(!) to single-use plastic, as a community let’s work together, discover fantastic, healthy alternatives and move to ban single-use plastic for good.” 

Here’s a few inspiring initiatives to check out:

  • France banned plastic cups, plates and cutlery in 2016.
  • Scotland banned plastic cotton swabs.
  • Karnataka, India banned plastic bags and Taiwan even banned single use plastics altogether.
  • Many corporations, cities, airports and universities are vowing to go plastic free by 2021!
  • We are seeing plastic tree isles in supermarkets 
  • Scientists are looking to make biodegradable alternatives to match durability that won’t harm us or the planet.

What can you do?

  • Pick up litter (better yet, don’t litter!).
  • Use your voice and call out corporate polluters. You can take a picture and send it to the company and social media with location and the hashtag #returntooffender
  • Lobby Congress - tweet or email, reminding them to keep it at the top of their agenda.
  • Learn to not rely on plastic.

Awareness is key and once you start noticing how much single-use plastic you use, you will quickly realize that we don't need it.

Together we can make a difference, join the movement, let's roll out change.