As an athlete, we all know the importance of recovery and consistent, healthy habits.
Sleep, proper nutrition, hydration, and keeping mobile are just some of the things that keep all athletes in the best possible condition, helping them work hard and be successful.
Lani Cooper is the founder of MOBOT, a company that created a product which functions not only as a water bottle but also a foam roller. Mobot is all about efficiency and maximizing recovery, allowing people and especially athletes to reach their full potential.
After Corinne Milien, Winning Edge executive director, connected with Lani, the two of them hit it off immediately and began discussing how MOBOT and Winning Edge could work together. Since then, Lani has become a mentor and resource for Game Changers, sharing her advice and becoming a true role model.
“The most memorable moment was a conversation I had with a young woman named Melani [Lee], because she also goes by Lani,” she laughs. “We talked about her goals, what she was doing, and had a really good time at the Dinner of Influence.”
Before founding MOBOT, Lani Cooper was a lot of things! She had a career as a flight attendant, fitness instructor, and even a mining surveyor. Because of her past experiences, Lani brings an undeniable work ethic to everything she does. Corinne is extremely proud to consider Lani a mentor and fellow entrepreneur who is unfiltered and transparent about her triumphs but also struggles.
“Lani has never shied away from the harsh realities of being an entrepreneur. I can tell her about a struggle I’m having, and she’s just real and honest that it sucks sometimes. But she’s there and she gives her support,” Says Milien.
Some of the best advice Lani has given is about being a woman in a male dominated industry: “Business should and can overcome a lot with kindness, but you need grit to get through.” That’s why diversity is so critical in Lani’s perspective - rather than asking why diversity is important, she would ask why it isn’t - and as a company MOBOT embodies that belief too. She values every voice on her team, and they’re all there for a reason, united by their common mission.

When speaking to the Game Changers, Lani has a lot of empathy for the challenges they face. As high performers, Game Changers grapple daily with lots of pressure from their own expectations and goals. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a student athlete, or even a coach, prioritizing your own mental health and practicing self-care are fundamentals to success according to Lani. For Lani, it was that strong inner fire and hunger for success, cultivated partially by her competition days, that drove her to work so hard. However this fire also requires balance, and recognizing your own boundaries.
Along with that, Lani attests that the discipline and work ethic that come along with being an athlete are crucial for success in business. They cannot be taught in the same way that a technical skill, such as programming, can, and that’s one of the factors that makes student-athletes coveted members of any team. “Translating perseverance [from being a student-athlete] into the business world is emotional,” Lani says. Reflect on the experiences that taught you the most about how you work and what drives you. That means being in touch with your own incentives, your own motivations, and the ‘why’ behind each of your goals.
Lani Cooper is going to donate customized Winning Edge MOBOT’s to the first 100 individuals/organizations to engage with Winning Edge and those who help with the Gigs for Game Changers initiative.
“I think it’s really important to provide opportunities to young people, to help them develop skills,” she says. If you have a gig to offer, please get in touch!
WE at Winning Edge are proud to have Lani on our Board of Directors and are so grateful for her and MOBOT’s support. Lani is an excellent example of what it means to change the game!
Written by Helena Wu, Edited by Emily Martin, Winning Edge.