National Women's Month 2022

National Women's Month 2022

March is the month when winter transitions into spring, thus it is the perfect month to celebrate women everywhere!

Cherry blossoms have always intrigued me. The delicate beauty, subtle shades of pink, but not just as a single flower, but clusters, always heavily yet daintily balanced on branches, are impressive. I have always felt drawn to them, sensing power in their unique growth pattern. Later I learned how cherry blossoms symbolize the beginning of spring, the annual renewal of growth within nature. As flowers begin to bloom, we also get to enjoy the sun a little longer each day.

To the Japanese, cherry blossoms represent the transience of life. To the Chinese, cherry blossoms represent love, beauty, feminine power, and strength. March is the month when winter transitions into spring, thus it is the perfect month to celebrate women everywhere!

Dalia Roll Model

Oh what a lovely thing it is, to be a woman! This transitional season is an opportunity to more fully celebrate one’s own unique abilities, femininity, and our power within. It’s so important to appreciate what we have and what we are capable of. I also know that we each have regular duties in our lives that make finding both time and energy difficult. Let’s just be real here, we all too often are our own worst enemy and critic, especially when it comes to feeling like we are not doing enough, overthinking, overanalyzing, or demoralizing ourselves with how our bodies look and put ourselves down further when insecurities get triggered.

Instead, let us embrace our flaws, our quirks, unique personal traits, and own our past because they have made us who we are. We learn from our experiences, which give us strength, and in turn helps us to relate and to help others. It connects us with each other in ways that no one can understand. They empower us to rise above, choose to do what’s best for ourselves and/or others. But remember, It is important to take care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am a believer that if you take care of yourself within, you’ll be able to serve others with more love, compassion, empathy, and energy.

As women, it is in our nature to take care of others before taking care of our own needs, which can lead to burn out. So it’s time to get out of hibernation because rejuvenation may be needed after a long winter of neglecting and even forgetting one’s own basic needs.

Here are some basic tips for self-care:

Dalia Roll Model Nutrition

  • Get your 7-9 hour sleep schedule! Sleep is truly the best way to recover… from lack of sleep, a hard day’s work, a chaotic day, a hard workout, sickness, etc.
  • Eat real whole foods that nourish your body and give you the proper energy you need each day.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • Move your body daily. Endorphins make us happy. :)
  • Pray and Meditate. A spiritual life gives us joy and hope regardless of our difficult situations in our lives.
  • Connect with your love and support systems: family, friends, community. People are stronger together.

I know for many, it is easier said than done, especially for all the super moms out there, doing everything they can for their families. I suggest to give yourselves grace, for doing all that you can, with what you know, with the resources that you have, and doing it with all the love in the world… do one thing for yourselves this month.

Prioritize your “me” time.

Dalia Roll Model Me Time

Spend it doing something that rejuvenates, relaxes you, and allows you to be completely yourself. You may not be able to getaway to a tropical island, but perhaps:

  • Enjoy a night out with your girlfriends
  • Enjoy a facial or massage
  • Have date night with your partner
  • A movie night
  • Head to the beach (or favorite spot) and have a picnic
  • Take a hike to enjoy nature
  • Spa day
  • Take a painting or cooking class
  • A night in, with a book in hand without distractions

When we feel good from within, we naturally exude strength and confidence. So take care of yourself and stay healthy, so you can serve others, and be your best self. Be glad and be confident in your womanhood, ladies! Cheers and Happy Women’s month to us!

- Written by Dalia Loc, MOBOT Roll Model